Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Boys new look!

So the other day I had an eye appointment due to my being completely blind with out glasses and all. I of course had little man in tow as I went which...around complicated machinery can be a real challenge.

After about 20 minutes of "what is that?" "What are you doing... what are you doing now? what are you doing now?"

My eye Dr., in either exasperation, or excitement that someone cared about what he was doing, said:

"Hey do you want to try out the machine that your mom is looking in?"

"YEAH!" Henry was very excited...I was thinking...oh what a nice guy....

Then I heard it...

"huh," from the Dr. then a few minutes later another.."hmmmmm"

Long story short...Here we are a couple hundred dollars later!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Very nice! Jacob is dying for glasses just like his mom and dad - but somehow he doesn't need them yet! And I keep having dad check!