Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How Did We Survive...

...Being children of the 70's? You all have seen those emails about the horror of our childhood, you know when you drank water straight from the hose, wandered aimlessly through the woods by ourselves or with out posses from sun up to sun down, no carseats, rode in the beds of trucks, and even worse, we had no companies to come and baby proof our houses. Putting latches and gadgets on every appliance, plug and toilet in your house... (I didn't do this by the way, which is just another sign of my Wicked Awesome Parenting.) All this, so that only your two year old can get into the plugs and the toilets and you end up yanking the door off the refrigerator because you couldn't figure out how to undo theat plasticky thing on the side, and you know...food is essentil for life. And on and on and on....

I am not saying that all of the improvements of the last couple decades have been unnecessary, not at all...in fact, while sitting in the hospital waiting room for hours on end, my sister, mom and I had many reminiscent conversations which led to Hot Dots!

Remember those reflector orange dots that they used to pass out to us on the day of Halloween to put all over our stuff so when we went trick or treating we would reflect? I thought about that...and those dots were about the size of a quarter...

Yeah, that is going to stop a truck from hitting your dressed in black tail in the middle of the road. So, You GO Glow Sticks, that is a better invention for trick or treating...

Besides, all my hot dots never made it to my costume anyway, they got put on my Saturday Night Fever album...

I know, I just aged myself.


Country Girl said...

I do not remember the dots but all the other things were right on with my childhood.

maine momma of 3 (formally: stayathomemommy from maine) said...

I don't remember the hot dots either, but I lived in the sticks ;)

I had the saturday night fever album though... which probably led to my love affair w/ motor booty