Thursday, April 30, 2009

So Sometimes I Have a Heart

But only sometimes...

You may remember my prizes from last mothers day. As bad as I can be, I did wear them with pride...and nice big sunglasses.

As we approach another dreaded mothers day, I am wondering what my gifts will be this year. Why am I wondering you ask? My middle daughter has taken a liking to ... um.. decorating my house in what can only be called, psycho modern craft art. Really, I am pretty sure that many a parent can say that this is a true genre of art. (At least in the galleries hiding in the back of our closets.)

I want to encourage my kids to be creative...I mean I think that is one of my jobs as a parent right? I think I signed that paper. So I would hate to squash their individuality or their creativity, or their...crazy ass art projects...

But, now I have this hanging in my bathroom where a pretty plant used to be...

Wait 'cause you can't appreciate its true unique beauty until you get the close up

So, now I am just asking how I can politely get this down before I forget that it is there????

oh, and dads, I don't want to hear another complaint about the damn ties....

1 comment:

Breebs said...

oh my!!!

Keep up the creativity Bean.