Friday, July 25, 2008


...hear me roar.

So I got some of my veggies at Agway this year. I have noticed that many times their flats get all mixed up etc...but generally pride myself on my veggie culture and feel that I generally can identify my stuff pretty well, you know not like hem...

Last night I made my squash pickles, and in a rare burst of energy I decided that I would start on my dilly beans. (I also was thinking that these are things my dad likes, and his birthday is this week!)

Got the beans done, the water boiling for the bath, the vinegar in the pot etc... started to stuff my hot jars and get the "dill" from my garden rinsed. As I was rinsing I got a very interesting smell coming up to black licorice....yup, you guessed it...I don't have fresh dill for my pickles and beans...I HAVE FENNEL....

Needless to say I frantically called around to try and get my dill from other gardeners or CSA people....I will have dilly beans for you dad, no worries... and next time I will smell my dill a little more before I buy it!

My sister emphatically suggested I NOT use the fennel to make fennel beans...she allowed as to how she would not eat them...(not that I was going to, we were just laughing) SO now I have to find something to do with my fennel and anise! Any thoughts!?


Anonymous said...

Soak the anise in vodka for about 2-3 weeks; strain; and add a heavy sugar syrup. You'll have your own licorice-flavored cordial. If you have an old clean Sambuca bottle, you can pout it in and pretend it's that good.

~ Uncle Duncle

Country Girl said...

Little blog fun...I've been tagged so I have passed it along to you to share 6 random things about yourself, see my blog for more details if you want to participate, don't feel that you have to. Have a great week ~Kim